How do I get the size of a java.sql.ResultSet?

Shouldn't this be a pretty straightforward operation? However, I see there's neither a size() nor length() method.

Solution 1:

Do a SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ... query instead.


int size =0;
if (rs != null) 
  rs.last();    // moves cursor to the last row
  size = rs.getRow(); // get row id 

In either of the case, you won't have to loop over the entire data.

Solution 2:

ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
int rowcount = 0;
if (rs.last()) {
  rowcount = rs.getRow();
  rs.beforeFirst(); // not rs.first() because the below will move on, missing the first element
while ( {
  // do your standard per row stuff

Solution 3:

Well, if you have a ResultSet of type ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY you want to keep it that way (and not to switch to a ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE or ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE in order to be able to use .last()).

I suggest a very nice and efficient hack, where you add a first bogus/phony row at the top containing the number of rows.


Let's say your query is the following

where ...blahblah...

and your output looks like

true    65537 "Hey" -32768 "The quick brown fox"
false  123456 "Sup"    300 "The lazy dog"
false -123123 "Yo"       0 "Go ahead and jump"
false       3 "EVH"    456 "Might as well jump"
[1000 total rows]

Simply refactor your code to something like this:

Statement s=myConnection.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY,
String from_where="FROM myTable WHERE ...blahblah... ";
ResultSet rs=s.executeQuery("select count(*)as RECORDCOUNT,"
                           +       "cast(null as boolean)as MYBOOL,"
                           +       "cast(null as int)as MYINT,"
                           +       "cast(null as char(1))as MYCHAR,"
                           +       "cast(null as smallint)as MYSMALLINT,"
                           +       "cast(null as varchar(1))as MYVARCHAR "
                           +"UNION ALL "//the "ALL" part prevents internal re-sorting to prevent duplicates (and we do not want that)
                           +"select cast(null as int)as RECORDCOUNT,"
                           +       "MYBOOL,MYINT,MYCHAR,MYSMALLINT,MYVARCHAR "

Your query output will now be something like

1000 null     null null    null null
null true    65537 "Hey" -32768 "The quick brown fox"
null false  123456 "Sup"    300 "The lazy dog"
null false -123123 "Yo"       0 "Go ahead and jump"
null false       3 "EVH"    456 "Might as well jump"
[1001 total rows]

So you just have to

    System.out.println("Recordcount: "+rs.getInt("RECORDCOUNT"));//hack: first record contains the record count
    //do your stuff