Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine"
Solution 1:
On Ubuntu 13.10 the command i needed was:
sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine:i386
I know the question is about fedora but I ended up here where one of the answers pointed me in the right direction.
Just in case it would be helpful to others.
Solution 2:
If it's unable to find the engine, it means you haven't installed them yet. Simply do someting like this:
sudo yum install gtk2-engines gtk-murrine-engine gtk-equinox-engine
Solution 3:
Install gtk-engines package from your distro's repository. If there's not a gtk-engines package, search for a package with a similar name, you shall find one.
For ubuntu the package name is gtk2-engines. You may need to reinstall the package:
$ sudo apt-get install --reinstall gtk2-engines