How do I conditionally wrap a React component?

I have a component that will sometimes need to be rendered as an <anchor> and other times as a <div>. The prop I read to determine this, is this.props.url.

If it exists, I need to render the component wrapped in an <a href={this.props.url}>. Otherwise it just gets rendered as a <div/>.


This is what I'm doing right now, but feel it could be simplified:

if ( {
    return (
        <a href={}>

return (
    <i className={styles.Icon}>


Here is the final lockup. Thanks for the tip, @Sulthan!

import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';
import classNames from 'classnames';

export default class CommentCount extends Component {

    static propTypes = {
        count: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
        link: PropTypes.string,
        className: PropTypes.string

    render() {
        const styles = require('./CommentCount.css');
        const {link, className, count} = this.props;

        const iconClasses = classNames({
            [styles.Icon]: true,
            [className]: !link && className

        const Icon = (
            <i className={iconClasses}>

        if (link) {
            const baseClasses = classNames({
                [styles.Base]: true,
                [className]: className

            return (
                <a href={link} className={baseClasses}>

        return Icon;

Solution 1:

Just use a variable.

var component = (
    <i className={styles.Icon}>

if ( {
    return (
        <a href={} className={baseClasses}>

return component;

or, you can use a helper function to render the contents. JSX is code like any other. If you want to reduce duplications, use functions and variables.

Solution 2:

Create a HOC (higher-order component) for wrapping your element:

const WithLink = ({ link, className, children }) => (link ?
  <a href={link} className={className}>
  : children

return (
  <WithLink link={} className={baseClasses}>
    <i className={styles.Icon}>