Is there a more eloquent word for a zigzag? [closed]

The title pretty much says it all. Is there a more eloquent word for a zigzag?


Allow me to clarify, I'm referring to the shape of a zigzag, a picture is attached below. enter image description here

Solution 1:

These objects resemble a triangle wave (not a sawtooth as others have suggested).

enter image description here

The other thing it reminds me of is pinking, although that usually describes a zig-zag edge on a piece of fabric. This material has been pinked:

enter image description here

Solution 2:

In what way is "zig-zag" not eloquent enough for your purposes? (I'd argue that a single word can't be eloquent or non-eloquent, but that's a different subject.)

The most technical term for the zig-zag pattern in your pictures is triangle waveform. This is probably too technical for most purposes, though.

Informally at least, sawtooth can be used as a loose synonym, but that word actually refers to a different shape — right triangles instead of isosceles triangles:

In heraldry, a zigzag edge treatment is called indented and/or dancetty.

A more general term is jagged, but that carries connotations of unevenness.

There's also pinked, from pinking shears. This only applies to a zigzag treatment of a single edge, though, not the strips in your pictures.