Word that accentuates the stillness of an object?

For example, you can say, her hands were ice cold. Is there a word to be used in a similar way with still?

The bodies were [...] still.

Solution 1:

It has a bit of an ominous overtone, but often a very still thing will be described as being deathly still, emphasizing that the stillness is as absolute as death. This applies for people and objects as well as for atmospheres and environments, e.g.

The night was deathly still as Jen exited the subway.

Solution 2:

to be stock-still is a very common expression. It means to be absolutely still, motionless, .

stock-still: He stood stock still, with the tropical sun beating on his skull, and endlessly watched the rise and fall of the ship

Some interesting trivia on its origin and meaning. Stock is an archaic word for log, tree trunk or any stump of wood without branches.

Stock still dates back to the mid-15th century, when we find it in the Scottish poem Golagros and Gawain: "In stede quhare he lay, Stok still as ane stane." Dickens used it in Barnaby Rudge: "The clock - which was very near run down, and would have stood stock-still in half an hour." Both Dutch and German have their counterparts, stokstil and stockstill, respectively.

Source: Take Our Word For It

Solution 3:

How about using the term: 'At Rest'?

Solution 4:

The Bible Exodus 15:16 (KJV) has by the greatness of thine arm they shall be as still as a stone, and Shakespeare: King John, IV.1 has “I will not struggle; I will stand stone still.” Google Books estimates nearly 60,000 written instances of the exact text "as still as a stone".

But it's a bit "dated". I would say by far the most common metaphoric reference in use today is...

steady as a rock (cliché) - very steady and unmovable; very stable.

There's also the related hyphenated form rock-steady, but in my experience this usage normally involves extending the sense of steadiness through steadfastness to dependability/reliability (plus it also has a highly specific meaning relating to early Jamaican reggae music).