How to avoid unselect file dialog when pressing minus sign in Midnight commander on macOS

When I try to type a minus character (e.g. open -a TextEdit) in the MC subshell, instead of minus the Unselect dialog pops up.

Trying to type - into the command line

I'm using iTerm2 and Midnight commander via Homebrew.

You need to edit ~/.config/mc/ini config file and look for only_leading_plus_minus entry. By default it is set to false which causes this behavior. If you set it to true


then - will trigger Unselect dialog only if - is the first character you type which pretty much would never be a problem. If you do not have only_leading_plus_minus just add it. Make sure you do not have Auto save setup enabled in your config and if you do, quit all instances of mc prior editing your ini.