Could Not load Date & Time preference pane

  1. I am getting weird time in my click (attached is the screenshot)

enter image description here

  1. And it's not letting me change my time and giving me error "Could Not load Date & Time preference pane"

enter image description here

Any idea what's going on? Because of this error lots of app have stopped working such as chrome, sublime etc. My suspicion is that it has been corrupted by MAMP but can't confirm.


I solved this problem by opening Disk Utility and selecting "Repair Disk Permissions" in OS X 10.9. I had used chown to change permissions and messed up my preference pane apparently.

Selecting the 'Language & Region' preference fixed one of my issues - now the Panes show up. I had an issue that the difference preferences were not rendering on the screen, to see the actual buttons and selections, I had to toggle the arrows at the top of the System Preferences window, and get a glimpse of the buttons, and then hope that I was actually selecting one. In any case, I now have panes that render, but I still can't change my Parental Controls to block specific web sites.

I can create a new user that I can change, but I just want to fix the 'family' account that I have. Best case is that I hope that there is some corruption going on that the disk utility will fix.