How can I get new selection in "select" in Angular 2?

If you don't need two-way data-binding:

<select (change)="onChange($">
    <option *ngFor="let i of devices">{{i}}</option>

onChange(deviceValue) {

For two-way data-binding, separate the event and property bindings:

<select [ngModel]="selectedDevice" (ngModelChange)="onChange($event)" name="sel2">
    <option [value]="i" *ngFor="let i of devices">{{i}}</option>
export class AppComponent {
  devices = 'one two three'.split(' ');
  selectedDevice = 'two';
  onChange(newValue) {
    this.selectedDevice = newValue;
    // ... do other stuff here ...

If devices is array of objects, bind to ngValue instead of value:

<select [ngModel]="selectedDeviceObj" (ngModelChange)="onChangeObj($event)" name="sel3">
  <option [ngValue]="i" *ngFor="let i of deviceObjects">{{}}</option>
{{selectedDeviceObj | json}}
export class AppComponent {
  deviceObjects = [{name: 1}, {name: 2}, {name: 3}];
  selectedDeviceObj = this.deviceObjects[1];
  onChangeObj(newObj) {
    this.selectedDeviceObj = newObj;
    // ... do other stuff here ...

Plunker - does not use <form>
Plunker - uses <form> and uses the new forms API

You can pass the value back into the component by creating a reference variable on the select tag #device and passing it into the change handler onChange($event, device.value) should have the new value

<select [(ng-model)]="selectedDevice" #device (change)="onChange($event, device.value)">
    <option *ng-for="#i of devices">{{i}}</option>

onChange($event, deviceValue) {

Just use [ngValue] instead of [value]!!

export class Organisation {
  description: string;
  id: string;
  name: string;
export class ScheduleComponent implements OnInit {
  selectedOrg: Organisation;
  orgs: Organisation[] = [];

  constructor(private organisationService: OrganisationService) {}

  get selectedOrgMod() {
    return this.selectedOrg;

  set selectedOrgMod(value) {
    this.selectedOrg = value;

<div class="form-group">
      <label for="organisation">Organisation
      <select id="organisation" class="form-control" [(ngModel)]="selectedOrgMod" required>
        <option *ngFor="let org of orgs" [ngValue]="org">{{}}</option>

I ran into this problem while doing the Angular 2 forms tutorial (TypeScript version) at

The select/option block wasn't allowing the value of the selection to be changed by selecting one of the options.

Doing what Mark Rajcok suggested worked, although I'm wondering if there's something I missed in the original tutorial or if there was an update. In any case, adding

onChange(newVal) {
    this.model.power = newVal;

to hero-form.component.ts in the HeroFormComponent class



to hero-form.component.html in the <select> element made it work