iPhone SE - Icons at the top-right corner seldom work in many apps

I realize this is an old question but in case someone else has this issue; the answer about the screen protection is definitely wrong. Yes cheap ones can sometimes do that but the author should have read the original post more clearly. If that were the case it would happen in any app, the fact that some apps do it and others (which are all native apps) don’t is a dead giveaway. Moreover I KNOW that isn’t it because I have the same problem and have never had screen protection on my SE.

The most likely culprit here is the apps in question were coded incorrectly in some way. Probably in relation to the size of the region that registers the touch input for that button. I’m just guessing on specifics here as I’ve never coded for an iOS device but the SE runs a much smaller resolution screen than newer devices. If the area were set at a given size which was adequate for a new phone then just scaled down for the SE it might become so small as to have difficulty sensing input. (You see this when people use an automated method to make their program compatible with multiple devices)

My advice is simply to send a bug report to the developer of any affected apps.

I strongly suspect that the screen guard/protector, temper proof glass is the culprit here. I have personally seen many instances where putting on one of these impacts the touch sensitivity.

Also, if you will search the Web, you can find a lot of posts discussing iOS devices having issues registering touch after installing one.

Although, it is not a given that putting a screen guard/protector or temper proof glass will impact touch sensitivity. Maybe it differs from manufacturer to manufacturer and the quality.

To diagnose, I'd advise you to remove the temper proof glass, spend some time with your iPhone and see if you can reproduce the issue. I use most of the apps you mentioned and have never experienced the issue (ruling out the possibility of a software issue). I am not advising you to get rid of one permanently, just test it for a while and switch to a different one if you are able to successfully diagnose. Repeat until you find a good one.

Since you have ruled out of the possibility of iPhone's screen itself faulty (as some apps work fine and some doesn't), the only logical explanation appears to the culprit screen guard.

The phenomenon is more noticeable when playing highly responsive games. (Speaking based on personal experience. I play a lot of AAA titles.)