Can the shortcuts app in ios 12 be triggered by location (leaving/entering)

I have been messing with the new IOS shortcuts app--it looks like it might be a reasonable replacement to ITTT with better apple support, but I can't seem to do one thing that should be pretty basic...

I noticed I can create a one-time event that reminds me of something when I leave a location.

I also noticed that I can activate a shortcut to send my wife the ETA when I will arrive home.

But can I have it send my ETA to my wife whenever I leave the area of my office automatically?

I don't see a way to "Trigger" off of map events, am I missing something?

Also, does someone with more karma than me want to add a "shortcuts" tag, seems like something that will have a lot of questions in the future.

I have the same question. Unfortunately, from what I can find, as of "right now, Shortcuts can only be triggered manually or by voice".

Possible workarounds:

  • Use IFTTT
  • Use Launch Center Pro

Apple tends to release things first with basic functionality and then update and add features as time goes on. We can hope...

I've been researching the same thing - so far with no luck, but close:

Yes, you can use IFTTT to do this:

  • "IF" (any trigger, such as location, or by time - from Google Calendar, for example)
  • "THAT" running a 'Rich Notification' that includes Apple's shortcut URL notation (shortcuts://open-shortcut?name=[name]), as said above

...however, the Rich Notification just pops up on your iOS device - yes, once you click it it DOES launch the relevant shortcut called [name] ...but - it still relies on you clicking the notificaiton

i.e. still not a fully automated trigger