SQL*Loader installation

Is it possible to install SQL*Loader without installing the whole Oracle package?

Solution 1:

Yes. In the client install package, custom installation, you can select database utilities as part of the install, which should get you SQL*Loader, among other things.

Solution 2:

the comments above were what i was looking for.

the "instant client" has sqlplus, but does not have sqlldr.

sqlldr requres the (full) "client" which is hidden off of a tiny fine print link on the craptacular oracle site.

"Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Client ( for Microsoft Windows (32-bit)" http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/downloads/112010-win32soft-098987.html

Solution 3:

It seems, there is also a way to install SQL*Loader with instant clients: http://kimplove.blogspot.de/2010/08/installation-of-oracle-instant-client.html

I'm quite sure it is not supported by Oracle and you need a client installation like DCookie explained. But it could be a solution when you need to install it on multiple servers.

The alternative solution would be to make a installation like DCookie explained and create a rpm/deb from it and push it to multiple servers.