What is the maximum and minimum height of each breed of Minecraft tree?

Solution 1:

I've been testing the maximum possible tree dimensions for each tree type and have come up with the following results (keep in mind these measurements include all possible leaf blocks and branches):

  • Big Jungle: 16x16 width, 32 height
  • Regular Jungle: 5x5 width, 13 height
  • Big Spruce: 10x10 width, 30 height (note: these also turn some grass in a possible 12x12 area into podzol)
  • Regular Spruce: 7x7 width, 10 height (matchstick style regular spruce trees cannot be grown with saplings)
  • Big Oak: 13x13? width, 19? height (big oak trees are hard to test so this could be slightly off, also, big oak trees grow 1 leaf block taller if spawned naturally in a biome without the use of saplings)
  • Regular Oak: 5x5 width, 7 height (somewhat redundant since there is always the possibility that a big oak will grow instead of a regular one)
  • Dark Oak: 12x12 width, 11 height
  • Birch: 5x5 width, 8 height (tall birch trees cannot be grown with
  • Acacia: 12x12? width, 10 height (acacia trees are weird; when testing I never saw one with more than a 12x12 width, but it could be possible)
  • [Bonus] Chorus: 11x11? width, 22 height (I didn't test this much myself, but instead got these results by researching online)