Difference between Grandma and Grandma-ma?

" Grandmama is an archaic form of grandma according to the http://www.oxforddictionaries.com which is is another name for a grandmother, or the mother of one's father or mother.""a grandmother; an old woman"", from ""grand"" (adjective) + ""dame"".

An interesting etymology of the word 'mama'. 1707, spelling variant of mamma. Meaning ""sexually attractive woman"" first recorded 1925 in African-American vernacular; mama's boy ""soft, effeminate male"" is from 1901. Hve a look at http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=mama But the word Grandmama was dated by 1749.

Many of my extended family members, in the North of Yorkshire, used grandma for their mother's mother and grandmama for their father's mother. I have heard of other people using variations on this to differentiate between paternal and maternal grandparents.