What is a word for 'reverse' homesick? Not wanting to go back [closed]

Solution 1:

https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/magazine/life-around-world/opposite-homesickness referring to this link... The opposite of homesick is "Wanderlust" when you have a big desire for traveling or going to a journey and exploring the world. However there was an interesting comment in a forum about the opposite of homesickness:

It's still homesick.

"Boy, I am homesick!"

"But you live at home."

"Yeah, and I'm sick of it!"

hope it helps

Solution 2:

What you describe isn't quite the opposite of homesickness, though I can see how you got there. Homesickness is wanting to be at home when you aren't. The opposite of that would be wanting to be elsewhere when you're at home (wanderlust), but that's not at all the same thing as "liking a place so much you don't want to leave."

I don't think there is a single term that captures both the reality and mood you're describing. There are various phrases used in relation to this:

  • going native - "to start to behave or live like the local people <After a few weeks, she was comfortable enough to go native and wear shorts to work.>" (M-W) - beware this can have negative connotations in some situations.

  • settling - "to move to a place and make it your home" (M-W)

  • (happily) adopting a new home

...but none quite hits the mood aspect. I don't think there's a single term that does.