What is between dystopian and utopian?

There are many speculative fiction pieces that are labeled "dystopian" and some "utopian". Is there a specific word for the reasoned middle ground?

Please let me know if this is better suited to the SciFi and Fantasy Site instead.

Solution 1:

I think you are setting up a false dichotomy, or at least a false middle-ground between them. There are many sub-genres of speculative fiction other than utopian and dystopian: time travel, alternate history, cyberpunk (which may be a sub-genre of dystopian itself), military, apocalyptic — those are all I can think of at the moment, but I'm sure there are more.

Solution 2:

The word you're looking for is neutropia.

Neutropia is a form of speculative fiction that does not neatly fit into categories of utopia or dystopia. Neutropia often involves a state that is both good and bad or neither.

Solution 3:

Realistic or normal, perhaps?