Use tellraw to display a player death message about the player who died [closed]

Solution 1:

This worked for me, just follow my steps:

  1. First make the scoreboard: /scoreboard objectives add hadDied deathCount

  2. Place this in a repeating command block that is always active and is facin up with unconditional: /testfor @a[score_hasDied_min=1]

  3. Place this in a chain command block with always active, condentional and facing up and place it over the repeating one: /tellraw @a {"text":"","color":"aqua","extra":[{"selector":"@a[score_hasDied_min=1]"},{"text":" has finally died"}]}

  4. Place this chain command block over the last chain command block with the same configurations (always active, condentional and facing up): /scoreboard players reset @a[score_hasDied_min=1] hasDied And then it should work!

I have tried it online with my friends and it worked so hope it does for you to.

This is how they should look like

This is how they should look like