Darksiders 3 Armors

So with the new Darksiders game I was wondering if there is actually armor with effects like less damage or such. I only got the cosmetic armor so far from season pass but as it says, its purely cosmetic.

So the question is, are there armors with an actual effect?

Solution 1:

There are three armours with effects that can be obtained through the console. Here's the list: Darksiders 3 hidden armours Those will probably be the ones featured in the upcoming DLCs. Instructions to enable the console on PC http://fearlessrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?t=8318

Solution 2:

At this stage, there is not much information.

However, it is confirmed that the Abyssal Armour is going to make a reappearance - however only if you purchase the DLC.

I can't say for certain that this armour will have any particular "effects", though the trend says it should, but again, since the effect has been different from game to game, only time will tell what that effect is.