Tilt to Live High Score Anomaly

Looking at the high scores for Tilt to Live, there are an awful lot of high scores near 2,147,500,000. Is there something that happens when you approach that score?

Near 2,147,500 you say? Would near happen to be precisely 2,147,483?

Because that sounds like it would be MaxInt. The maximum value of a 32-bit signed integer.

Unless global leaderboards are protected, or cleaned regularly, they inevitably get filled by hackers/cheaters submitting scores they manually entered and never actually achieved. This is how for race leaderboards you often see times of 1 second or under.

What happens if you managed to achieve that score and went over? Depends on how the game was programmed. The app could crash, the score could reset to 0, the score could flip and be negative 2,147,483...