Netflix desktop doesn't launch when I click on it

Solution 1:

Clearing the wine browser directory and then re-installing as described by chargedPeptide in the comments for the previous answer worked for me.

The commands are:

rm -rf ~/.wine-browser
sudo apt-get install --reinstall netflix-desktop

Solution 2:

I'll provide the solution, which worked for me. First, to get a terminal output from netflix-desktop, you should launch it like this:

netflix-desktop --showdebug

Second, when you install netflix-desktop from the ppa, it not always downloads and install a Windows version of Firefox. This installation is handled by the wine-browser-installer package, so one solution would be to remove ~/.wine-browser directory and reinstall the package, as recommended above. Sadly, it did not work for me, and terminal output was still stating:

wine: cannot find 'C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe'

What helped is that I've downloaded Firefox for Windows manually, using the link, that displays, when you install wine-browser-installer package (in my case it was this version). Then I've installed it, using normal wine. It was installed under ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Mozilla Firefox After that I've ran

cp -R ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Mozilla\ Firefox/ ~/.wine-browser/drive_c/Program\ Files/

That solved my problem, hope it'll help.

Solution 3:

The same people who brought you netflix-desktop (which really works very well, you might want to run it from terminal and post the output) just released pipelight to integrate silverlight into linux native firefox - thus allowing netflix.

Instructions are found here.

But for those in a rush:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ehoover/compholio  
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mqchael/pipelight  
sudo apt-get update  
sudo apt-get install pipelight  

And start firefox. This is a beta release though so nothing is guaranteed yet. As said previously you might want to give netflix-desktop a shot in the terminal and post the output.