How to teleport someone and change their gamemode with a command block
the orange(impulse) command block is set on needs redstone
and the green(chain) command block is set on always active
The Command In the 1st Command Block is: gamemode 0 @p
The Command In the 2nd Command Block is: tp @p **the coördinates you want them to teleport to**
This is very very basic. You better try out some things by yourself. I'm 13 and I work with these things for like 4 years, and I also just started by the /tp
command. Now I make projects with over 300 command blocks. Just try some things out at youself and use the minecraft wiki to help you. Even I learn new things every day. The project you see in the background is also just a project for a working sniper. It's fun if you can create everything you want you should really learn command block coding yourself!