Python: get a frequency count based on two columns (variables) in pandas dataframe some row appers

Hello I have the following dataframe.

    Group           Size

    Short          Small
    Short          Small
    Moderate       Medium
    Moderate       Small
    Tall           Large

I want to count the frequency of how many time the same row appears in the dataframe.

    Group           Size      Time

    Short          Small        2
    Moderate       Medium       1 
    Moderate       Small        1
    Tall           Large        1

Solution 1:

You can use groupby's size:

In [11]: df.groupby(["Group", "Size"]).size()
Group     Size
Moderate  Medium    1
          Small     1
Short     Small     2
Tall      Large     1
dtype: int64

In [12]: df.groupby(["Group", "Size"]).size().reset_index(name="Time")
      Group    Size  Time
0  Moderate  Medium     1
1  Moderate   Small     1
2     Short   Small     2
3      Tall   Large     1

Solution 2:

Update after pandas 1.1 value_counts now accept multiple columns

df.value_counts(["Group", "Size"])

You can also try pd.crosstab()

Group           Size

Short          Small
Short          Small
Moderate       Medium
Moderate       Small
Tall           Large


Size      Large  Medium  Small
Moderate      0       1      1
Short         0       0      2
Tall          1       0      0

EDIT: In order to get your out put

      Group    Size  Time
0  Moderate  Medium   1.0
1  Moderate   Small   1.0
2     Short   Small   2.0
3      Tall   Large   1.0

Solution 3:

Other posibbility is using .pivot_table() and aggfunc='size'

df_solution = df.pivot_table(index=['Group','Size'], aggfunc='size')