finished with non zero exit value
I am trying to import my project. but when I run the application I am getting the following error:
Error: Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'.
org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: Process 'command 'C:\Users\Vishnu Ruhela\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\build-tools\21.1.2\aapt.exe'' finished with non- zero exit value 1
here is my gradle file
apply plugin: ''
android {
compileSdkVersion 21
buildToolsVersion "21.1.2"
defaultConfig {
applicationId "com.example.vishnuruhela.signup"
minSdkVersion 15
targetSdkVersion 21
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled true
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
productFlavors { }
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
compile ''
compile project(':listView1')
Solution 1:
I was getting this exact same error. I ran the command
./gradlew assembleDebug --info
Where "assembleDebug" was replaced with the assemble task for a debug version of the flavor I wanted.
Look for output
Successfully started process 'command '/usr/local/opt/android-sdk/build-tools/21.1.2/aapt''
Right below that was an error describing a resource which I used in a layout file but which was missing from the dimensions files. Fixing this fixed the build issue.
Solution 2:
At first you go to
Build -> Clean Project
and then go to
Build -> Rebuild Project
and finish the error is a way