What is "multiplication by juxtaposition"?

I was reading http://www.purplemath.com/modules/orderops2.htm it shows

 = 16 ÷ 2[2] + 1   (**)
 = 5 

The general consensus among math people is that "multiplication by juxtaposition" (that is, multiplying by just putting things next to each other, rather than using the "×" sign) indicates that the juxtaposed values must be multiplied together before processing other operations

However when talking to certain people they all have said there is no such thing as this. There is shorthand which uses normal multiplication order and no "multiplication by juxtaposition" and etc.

Is there a "general consensus among math people" or is this simply incorrect?

Solution 1:

So, the question is whether $a/bc$ means $(a/b)c$ or $a/(bc)$. And the answer is, DON'T WRITE $a/bc$, because it will only cause confusion. Some people/software/whatever will make one interpretation, some will make the other, neither one has been endorsed by the Dalai Lama or any other great leader. Put in enough parentheses to make your writing foolproof.

Solution 2:

It's simply incorrect. If it were correct, then $2x^2$ would really mean $(2 \times x)^2 = 2^2 \times x^2 = 4 \times x^2$, but it doesn't; it means $2 \times x^2$.