How can I handle empty response body with Retrofit 2?

Recently I started using Retrofit 2 and I faced an issue with parsing empty response body. I have a server which responds only with http code without any content inside the response body.

How can I handle only meta information about server response (headers, status code etc)?


As Jake Wharton points out,

Call<Void> getMyData(/* your args here */);

is the best way to go versus my original response --

You can just return a ResponseBody, which will bypass parsing the response.

Call<ResponseBody> getMyData(/* your args here */);

Then in your call,

Call<ResponseBody> dataCall = myApi.getMyData();
dataCall.enqueue(new Callback<ResponseBody>() {
    public void onResponse(Response<ResponseBody> response) {
        // use response.code, response.headers, etc.

    public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
        // handle failure

If you use RxJava, then it's better to use Completable in this case

Represents a deferred computation without any value but only indication for completion or exception. The class follows a similar event pattern as Reactive-Streams: onSubscribe (onError|onComplete)?

in the accepted answer:

Observable<Response<Void>> getMyData(/* your args here */);

If the endpoint returns failure response code, it will still be in the onNext and you will have to check the response code yourself.

However, if you use Completable.

Completable getMyData(/* your args here */);

you will have only onComplete and onError. if the response code is success it will fire the onComplete else it will fire onError.