Newsyslog wildcards - rotate all logs in a directory

I am running FreeBSD 8.1. I am trying to make newsyslog rotate logs defined by a dynamic path:

# logfilename          [owner:group]    mode count size when  flags [/pid_file] [sig_num]
/path/logs/*.log    644  7     100  $D0   J
/path/logs/*/*.log  644  7     100  $D0   J

Basically I want newsyslog to rotate all files ending with .log in directory /path/logs/.

i also want to do the same for all subdirectories of /path/logs/ which is the second line of my config file.

But when I do:

newsyslog -F

No log files get rotated.

Using the G flag in /etc/newsyslog.conf helped:

# logfilename          [owner:group]    mode count size when  flags [/pid_file] [sig_num]
/path/logs/*.log    644  7     100  $D0   G
/path/logs/*/*.log  644  7     100  $D0   G