Ubuntu 21.10 boots to black screen

Yestarday I upgraded from Ubuntu 21.04 to Ubuntu 21.10 but when I rebooted my laptop (Asus X505BA) and tried to login with Xorg I got a blackscreen. After that, I restarted my laptop again and I tried to login with Wayland but I got a blackscreen too.

I thought this could be caused by an upgrade error so I reinstalled Ubuntu 21.10 but the problem persists. However, I can "avoid" this problem if I login to text mode and then run startx. Unfortunately if I do this, the system starts in low resolution and some applications don't work.

Is this a bug?

enter image description here

From the comments...

Your AMD video driver appears to not be compatible with 21.10. A newer driver is not apparent.

Booting with nomodeset allows the machine to fully boot.

Edit /etc/default/grub and find "quiet splash" and change it to "quiet splash nomodeset", and then do sudo update-grub, so you won't have to manually do this at boot time.