notify-osd and dual monitors

I use Ubuntu 10.10 on a laptop, with an external monitor, which is used as the primary. Notify-osd alerts show on the connected monitor, as I want.

However, some days ago I removed both gnome panels and installed AWN. All was good, but notify-osd alerts now appears on the laptop. I need, that notify-osd appears on the connected monitor.

How can I move notify-osd alerts on the connected monitor without gnome panels?

Solution 1:

gsettings set com.canonical.notify-osd multihead-mode focus-follow

This is the correct way for 12.10. You can test with notify-send

Solution 2:

gconftool-2 -s -t string /apps/notify-osd/multihead_mode focus-follow

Should display notices on the currently active monitor.

Solution 3:

Hmm interesting, it should show up on Primary screen by default and we can choose the monitor in shell like this DISPLAY=:0 notify-send "hi" and DISPLAY=:1 notify-send "hi"