How to play a video at 200% zoom on Mac?

Is there a way to play a video at 200% zoom on Mac with builtin programs like Preview or Quicktime?

Or do you need to install a third party video player like VLC?

Solution 1:

While there isn't any option to set a precise zoom value for a video playing in QuickTime, you can still zoom the video using various means:

  1. Increase Size command under View menu. Invoking this zooms the video in fixed increments.

enter image description here

enter image description here

  1. Fit to Screen command under View menu. Invoking this fits the video to match with screen width/height.

enter image description here

  1. Zoom command under Window menu. This command works similar to Fit to Screen command.

enter image description here

In addition to above, a QuickTime or quick look preview window can be freely resized with the help of resizing handles to manually adjust zoom.