How can i force a complete load in a webpage

I am sure many of you have seen sites that get loaded as you scroll down, for example in a manga/comic site, the resources (Images) gets loaded as you scroll down.

What i am looking for is a force load for all these resources and images in one click without having to scroll down, is this possible?, how can i achieve this?

Solution 1:

You need to disable the Lazy Loading feature

In Chrome navigate to chrome://flags/ then set the option to Disable

enter image description here

Relaunch Chrome, and you're all set.

Solution 2:

AFAIK it is impossible without writing a custom extension to modify the JS or without emulating a tall-screen device. Both serve one purpose: to make the website think that you've already reached an image, and serve it to you before you actually scroll own to it.

The sites that get loaded while you scroll down have got nothing to do with lazy loading, instead they use something called AJAX that allows the site itself (and not just on behalf of your browser) request images in realtime without reloading. That's why you see these red loading spinners - if the images were lazily-loaded by the browser there would be just slowly appear. For example, this giant (90 Meg!) Mona Lisa scan from Wikipedia may serve as an illustration of how lazy-loading would look in your browser - an image slowly growing downwards, without any spinners.

This comic site, on the other hand, is just programmed not to load images unless you are looking at them. You could mitigate that by:

  • Writing a bookmarklet or an extension in JS that modifies the loader script on the page and makes it serve everything to you as fast as it can.
  • Using something like Firefox Responsive Design Mode, set width to your screen space and increase the height severely, then scroll the actual content (NOT SCREEN). The images should load before they enter your actual screen space.
  • Getting a faster connection (this really is an option!). The images might load faster and you'll probably find it much less irritating.

Good luck!