Invariant Violation: Objects are not valid as a React child

I was having this error and it turned out to be that I was unintentionally including an Object in my JSX code that I had expected to be a string value:

return (
    <BreadcrumbItem href={routeString}>

breadcrumbElement used to be a string but due to a refactor had become an Object. Unfortunately, React's error message didn't do a good job in pointing me to the line where the problem existed. I had to follow my stack trace all the way back up until I recognized the "props" being passed into a component and then I found the offending code.

You'll need to either reference a property of the object that is a string value or convert the Object to a string representation that is desirable. One option might be JSON.stringify if you actually want to see the contents of the Object.

So I got this error when trying to display the createdAt property which is a Date object. If you concatenate .toString() on the end like this, it will do the conversion and eliminate the error. Just posting this as a possible answer in case anyone else ran into the same problem:


I just got the same error but due to a different mistake: I used double braces like:


to insert the value of count instead of the correct:


which the compiler presumably turned into {{count: count}}, i.e. trying to insert an Object as a React child.