What can I do if I set myself on fire to stop being fire?

It's pretty easy to set yourself on fire in Assassin's Creed Origins. Just take a torch too close to wood or get too close to campfire, and you can easily burst into flames.

Once you're on fire, you just burn to death in seconds. Is there a way to avoid that gruesome fate?

Multiple posts seem to claim that pressing the dodge button will help extinguish the fire:


keep tapping the dodge/evade button if not near water.

A Steam Post:

Hit space bar or your dodge button to dodge, it douses the flame faster

Another Steam Post:

You just have to mash the dodge button a few times. The game only really explains this via a tip on the loading screens.

And unsurprisingly, jumping into water will do the job as well, but you will obviously need to be near a body of water.