Why can method reference use non-final variables?

I had some confusion about inner classes and lambda expression, and I tried to ask a question about that, but then another doubt arose, and It's probable better posting another question than commenting the previous one.

Straight to the point: I know (thank you Jon) that something like this won't compile

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        One one = new One();

        F f = new F(){      //1
            public void foo(){one.bar();}   //compilation error

        one = new One();

class One { void bar() {} }
interface F { void foo(); }

due to how Java manages closures, because one is not [effectively] final and so on.

But then, how come is this allowed?

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        One one = new One();

        F f = one::bar; //2

        one = new One();

class One { void bar() {} }
interface F { void foo(); }

Is not //2 equivalent to //1? Am I not, in the second case, facing the risks of "working with an out-of-date variable"?

I mean, in the latter case, after one = new One(); is executed f still have an out of date copy of one (i.e. references the old object). Isn't this the kind of ambiguity we're trying to avoid?

A method reference is not a lambda expression, although they can be used in the same way. I think that is what is causing the confusion. Below is a simplification of how Java works, it is not how it really works, but it is close enough.

Say we have a lambda expression:

Runnable f = () -> one.bar();

This is the equivalent of an anonymous class that implements Runnable:

Runnable f = new Runnable() {
    public void run() {

Here the same rules apply as for an anonymous class (or method local class). This means that one needs to effectively final for it to work.

On the other hand the method handle:

Runnable f = one::bar;

Is more like:

Runnable f = new MethodHandle(one, one.getClass().getMethod("bar"));

With MethodHandle being:

public class MethodHandle implements Runnable {
    private final Object object;
    private final Method method;

    public MethodHandle(Object object, java.lang.reflect.Method method) {
        this.object = Object;
        this.method = method;

    public void run() {

In this case, the object assigned to one is assigned as part of the method handle created, so one itself doesn't need to be effectively final for this to work.

Your second example is simply not a lambda expression. It's a method reference. In this particular case, it chooses a method from a particular object, which is currently referenced by the variable one. But the reference is to the object, not to the variable one.

This is the same as the classical Java case:

One one = new One();
One two = one;
one = new One();


So what if one changed? two references the object that one used to be, and can access its method.

Your first example, on the other hand, is an anonymous class, which is a classical Java structure that can refer to local variables around it. The code refers to the actual variable one, not the object to which it refers. This is restricted for the reasons that Jon mentioned in the answer you referred to. Note that the change in Java 8 is merely that the variable has to be effectively final. That is, it still can't be changed after initialization. The compiler simply became sophisticated enough to determine which cases will not be confusing even when the final modifier is not explicitly used.