Can anyone tell me where to find/dig in order to find: gold, diamond etc.. in Minecraft?

I’m asking this because, I want to know where to dig in order to find precious metals and stones.

Q-1: Do they regenerate?

Q-2: Where to look for precious materials?

Because, I want to find cool, diamond, gold etc... and to know whether they regenerate or not so that I can be near to them. Because now, it’s hard for me to find precious metals and diamond in Minecraft. I mean, when I find gold on a rock somewhere and by mistake I lost them, then I must find another place to look for it.

(preface - y-leves are how many blocks above the void you are - and you can find a value for it in your F3 menu (the one you get by pressing F3))

Gold is found between y levels 2 to 29 (approximately).

Diamonds are found below y level 16 (and most commonly between layers 5-12).

No ore, or block in the game will "regenerate" (although trees and crops "grow") itself over time, so once you've mined an area out it will stay that way.

When it comes to mining diamonds, only 1 vein will spawn per chunk (unless it's eaten by a pre-world generation structure, like a dungeon or mineshaft).