Shocking but not surprising [closed]

Let's say a politician who swears a lot in private suddenly uses profanity in public, for example, on a live TV interview.

A viewer might say, "It is shocking(,) but not surprising."

It could mean he is shocked to see a politician use profanity in public because it is not the right thing for any politician to do and it is unbecoming of a public figure, but he has been expecting this would happen in one day or another because he knows he swears very often in private.

Not surprising in the sentence means "it is not something that I didn't expect to happen". In other words, "it is something that I expected would happen".

We should take that dictionary definition to mean causing intense surprise, disgust, or horror, not necessarily all of them simultaneously. That’s the take of Merriam-Webster’s simple definition of shocking (my emphasis):

very surprising and upsetting or causing a sudden feeling of horror or disgust

So news that are shocking but not surprising are news that cause a sudden feeling of horror or disgust but were not entirely unexpected. That is not uncommon: sometime we’re counting on something bad, but it’s when it actually happens that we feel the blow.