When do I have to change the serialVersionUID?

I know that I can use serialVersionUID to control the version of classes. And I read that I can then add or remove fields and the class will still be compatible, it will just use default values.

When must I change the serialVersionUID?

The value of the serialVersionUID field should ideally be changed when incompatible changes are made to the structure of the class. The complete list of incompatible changes is present in the Java Object Serialization Specification.

To expand further, incompatible changes to a class will prevent the deserialization mechanism from creating an instance of the object, because there is information in the stream that does not map to the current class definition.

The frequently-repeated mantra about changing the serialVersionUID every time you change the class is complete and utter nonsense. See this Sun article which they republished on their site and which was migrated to the Oracle Technology Network after the acquisition.

You should change the serialVersionUID only when you deliberately want to break compatibility with all existing serializations, or when your changes to the class are so radical that you have no choice - in which case you should really think several times about what it is that you are actually doing.

In all other cases you should bust your boiler trying to use custom readObject()/writeObject() and/or writeReplace()/readResolve() methods and/or serialFields annotations so that you can continue to read objects from those existing serializations. Once you break that you are in for a major headache, indeed nightmare.

If you don't specify a serialVersionUID field in your Serializable classes, the Java compiler will specify one for you -- essentially it's a hash of the class name, interface names, methods, and fields of the class. Methods can be altered at any time, though, so if you need to change how a stored class is deserialized, you can override the readObject method. If you do specify the serialVersionUID field in your code, though, the compiler won't override that even if you do make incompatible changes, which can result in an exception at runtime -- your IDE or compiler won't give you a warning. (EDIT -- thanks EJP) IDEs such as Eclipse can insert the compiler's UID for you, if you want to easily check how the compiler views certain changes.

If you make changes often, keep an old version of the disk file around to test deserialization with. You can write unit tests to try and read in the old file, and see if it works or if it's totally incompatible.

One caveat, I've personally experienced the pain that is working with Serializable classes originally intended for long-term storage that were improperly designed. For example, storing GUI elements on disk rather than creating them when needed. Ask yourself if Serializable is really the best way to save your data.

For the sake of completeness, here's a list of changes that break the compatibility of Java serialization according to the java 8 spec:

  • Deleting fields
  • Moving classes up or down the hierarchy
  • Changing a nonstatic field to static or a nontransient field to transient
  • Changing the declared type of a primitive field
  • Changing the writeObject or readObject method so that it no longer writes or reads the default field data or changing it so that it attempts to write it or read it when the previous version did not.
  • Changing a class from Serializable to Externalizable or vice versa
  • Changing a class from a non-enum type to an enum type or vice versa
  • Removing either Serializable or Externalizable
  • Adding the writeReplace or readResolve method to a class