What's a word to describe "not okay with but not complaining"

What word would you use to describe "not being comfortable with something or someone, yet not complaining"?

A perfect example is when you don't enjoy your partner's meal but you are not complaining. A word like acquiesce is close in meaning, but I want the best word.

Solution 1:

Then you tolerate it. The word tolerance, from MW:

  1. willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own;
  2. the ability to accept, experience, or survive something harmful or unpleasant.

Solution 2:

Resigned to, from Cambridge Dictionaries Online

To make yourself accept something you do not like because you cannot change it

Example (made up):

He resigned himself to the awful lines at airport security over the Memorial Day weekend, because it was the last opportunity he would have to visit his parents before starting his new job.