Do end-game crises destroy guardians?

In my current game, there is the Enigmatic Fortress on the other side of one of my neighbors right along their border with another empire. The Contingency has just spawned and one of their spawn sites is pretty much right next to the Fortress in between those two empires. I believe the Fortress is still currently alive as the system is unclaimed, but I don't have vision into the system.

Can the Contingency, or any end-game crisis really, attack and destroy a guardian alien like the Enigmatic Fortress? Or will they leave it alone so I can swing by later to claim it?

Solution 1:

Yes, they will. I have a game going where the Enigmatic Fortress was sitting in the borders of another nation. The Contingency spawned and destroyed that nation. Yesterday I was sending my fleet down to fight the Contingency and the Enigmatic Fortress was no longer there. No other nation had the fire power to take it, so it has to be the Contingency.

EDIT: It turns out the Contingency didn't destroy the leviathan. Rather they are sitting in the same system and shooting every few seconds and then stopping They were out of my sensors range, but I thought they were in it. It appears to be a glitch. I might have been fixed in 2.0.2, but the patch notes don't mention it. Sorry for the confusion.