Is it possible to apply Minecraft Mods to a single 'world'?

I'm going to get Minecraft when I have a better computer in order to run it, and I've seen some really interesting mods out there for it. What I want to know is if I can set mods to only run on a specific generated world.

IE say I have 2 mods installed. Is it possible to have a world with just one or the other or even neither of them? I don't want to be finding tin or oil from Galacticraft if I'm doing some kind of fantasy RPG type game, for instance.

I appreciate any assistance with this.

According to ydobonebi in a comment

You can create a game profile and set its paths. Then if you want Just create a new profile for each setup. The loader still needs to be set to load forge which then loads the native. But forge will see the set path and looks for mods in the path/mods folder