How to convert a structure to a byte array in C#?

How do I convert a structure to a byte array in C#?

I have defined a structure like this:

public struct CIFSPacket
    public uint protocolIdentifier; //The value must be "0xFF+'SMB'".
    public byte command;

    public byte errorClass;
    public byte reserved;
    public ushort error;

    public byte flags;

    //Here there are 14 bytes of data which is used differently among different dialects.
    //I do want the flags2. However, so I'll try parsing them.
    public ushort flags2;

    public ushort treeId;
    public ushort processId;
    public ushort userId;
    public ushort multiplexId;

    //Trans request
    public byte wordCount;//Count of parameter words defining the data portion of the packet.
    //From here it might be undefined...

    public int parametersStartIndex;

    public ushort byteCount; //Buffer length
    public int bufferStartIndex;

    public string Buffer;

In my main method, I create an instance of it and assign values to it:

CIFSPacket packet = new CIFSPacket();
packet.protocolIdentifier = 0xff;
packet.command = (byte)CommandTypes.SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE;
packet.errorClass = 0xff;
packet.error = 0;
packet.flags = 0x00;
packet.flags2 = 0x0001;
packet.multiplexId = 22;
packet.wordCount = 0;
packet.byteCount = 119;

packet.Buffer = "NT LM 0.12";

Now I want to send this Packet by socket. For that, I need to convert the structure to a byte array. How can I do it?

My full code is as follows.

static void Main(string[] args)

  Socket MyPing = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork,
  SocketType.Stream , ProtocolType.Unspecified ) ;

  MyPing.Connect("", 139);

    //Fake an IP Address so I can send with SendTo
    IPAddress IP = new IPAddress(new byte[] { 172,24,18,240 });
    IPEndPoint IPEP = new IPEndPoint(IP, 139);

    //Local IP for Receiving
    IPEndPoint Local = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
    EndPoint EP = (EndPoint)Local;

    CIFSPacket packet = new CIFSPacket();
    packet.protocolIdentifier = 0xff;
    packet.command = (byte)CommandTypes.SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE;
    packet.errorClass = 0xff;
    packet.error = 0;
    packet.flags = 0x00;
    packet.flags2 = 0x0001;
    packet.multiplexId = 22;
    packet.wordCount = 0;
    packet.byteCount = 119;

    packet.Buffer = "NT LM 0.12";

    MyPing.SendTo(It takes byte array as parameter);

What would a code snippet be?

Solution 1:

This is fairly easy, using marshalling.

Top of file

using System.Runtime.InteropServices


byte[] getBytes(CIFSPacket str) {
    int size = Marshal.SizeOf(str);
    byte[] arr = new byte[size];

    IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);
    Marshal.StructureToPtr(str, ptr, true);
    Marshal.Copy(ptr, arr, 0, size);
    return arr;

And to convert it back:

CIFSPacket fromBytes(byte[] arr) {
    CIFSPacket str = new CIFSPacket();

    int size = Marshal.SizeOf(str);
    IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);

    Marshal.Copy(arr, 0, ptr, size);

    str = (CIFSPacket)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, str.GetType());

    return str;

In your structure, you will need to put this before a string

[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 100)]
public string Buffer;

And make sure SizeConst is as big as your biggest possible string.

And you should probably read this:

Solution 2:

If you really want it to be FAST on Windows, you can do it using unsafe code with CopyMemory. CopyMemory is about 5x faster (e.g. 800MB of data takes 3s to copy via marshalling, while only taking .6s to copy via CopyMemory). This method does limit you to using only data which is actually stored in the struct blob itself, e.g. numbers, or fixed length byte arrays.

    [DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint = "CopyMemory", SetLastError = false)]
    private static unsafe extern void CopyMemory(void *dest, void *src, int count);

    private static unsafe byte[] Serialize(TestStruct[] index)
        var buffer = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(TestStruct)) * index.Length];
        fixed (void* d = &buffer[0])
            fixed (void* s = &index[0])
                CopyMemory(d, s, buffer.Length);

        return buffer;