Generating random results by weight in PHP?
I know how to generate a random number in PHP but lets say I want a random number between 1-10 but I want more 3,4,5's then 8,9,10's. How is this possible? I would post what I have tried but honestly, I don't even know where to start.
Based on @Allain's answer/link, I worked up this quick function in PHP. You will have to modify it if you want to use non-integer weighting.
* getRandomWeightedElement()
* Utility function for getting random values with weighting.
* Pass in an associative array, such as array('A'=>5, 'B'=>45, 'C'=>50)
* An array like this means that "A" has a 5% chance of being selected, "B" 45%, and "C" 50%.
* The return value is the array key, A, B, or C in this case. Note that the values assigned
* do not have to be percentages. The values are simply relative to each other. If one value
* weight was 2, and the other weight of 1, the value with the weight of 2 has about a 66%
* chance of being selected. Also note that weights should be integers.
* @param array $weightedValues
function getRandomWeightedElement(array $weightedValues) {
$rand = mt_rand(1, (int) array_sum($weightedValues));
foreach ($weightedValues as $key => $value) {
$rand -= $value;
if ($rand <= 0) {
return $key;
For an efficient random number skewed consistently towards one end of the scale:
- Choose a continuous random number between 0..1
- Raise to a power γ, to bias it. 1 is unweighted, lower gives more of the higher numbers and vice versa
- Scale to desired range and round to integer
eg. in PHP (untested):
function weightedrand($min, $max, $gamma) {
$offset= $max-$min+1;
return floor($min+pow(lcg_value(), $gamma)*$offset);
echo(weightedrand(1, 10, 1.5));
There's a pretty good tutorial for you.
- Sum the weights of all the numbers.
- Pick a random number less than that
- subtract the weights in order until the result is negative and return that number if it is.
This tutorial walks you through it, in PHP, with multiple cut and paste solutions. Note that this routine is slightly modified from what you'll find on that page, as a result of the comment below.
A function taken from the post:
* weighted_random_simple()
* Pick a random item based on weights.
* @param array $values Array of elements to choose from
* @param array $weights An array of weights. Weight must be a positive number.
* @return mixed Selected element.
function weighted_random_simple($values, $weights){
$count = count($values);
$i = 0;
$n = 0;
$num = mt_rand(1, array_sum($weights));
while($i < $count){
$n += $weights[$i];
if($n >= $num){
return $values[$i];