iframe to Only Show a Certain Part of the Page

I am working on iframes, and I need to show a certain portion of the page [say, the top right ] in an iframe with about 300px width and 150px height.


Say I wanted to put an iframe of www.mywebsite.com/portfolio.php on a page, but have the iframe sized to only show the "portfolio-sports" section at the top right.

How can I achieve this ?



[ Thanks to Pointy ]

An <iframe> gives you a complete window to work with. The most direct way to do what you want is to have your server give you a complete page that only contains the fragment you want to show.

As an alternative, you could just use a simple <div> and use the jQuery "load" function to load the whole page and pluck out just the section you want:

$('#target-div').load('http://www.mywebsite.com/portfolio.php #portfolio-sports');

There may be other things you need to do, and a significant difference is that the content will become part of the main page instead of being segregated into a separate window.

I got this work good for me.

<div style="border: 3px solid rgb(201, 0, 1); overflow: hidden; margin: 15px auto; max-width: 736px;">
<iframe scrolling="no" src="http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp" style="border: 0px none; margin-left: -185px; height: 859px; margin-top: -533px; width: 926px;">

Is this working for you or not let us know.

Source: http://www.dimpost.com/2012/12/iframe-how-to-display-specific-part-of.html

I needed an iframe that would embed a portion of an external page with a vertical scroll bar, cropping out the navigation menus on the top and left of the page. I was able to do it with some simple HTML and CSS.


<div id="container">
    <iframe id="embed" src="http://www.example.com"></iframe>


    overflow:scroll;     /* if you don't want a scrollbar, set to hidden */
    overflow-x:hidden;   /* hides horizontal scrollbar on newer browsers */

    /* resize and min-height are optional, allows user to resize viewable area */

    width:1000px;       /* set this to approximate width of entire page you're embedding */
    height:2000px;      /* determines where the bottom of the page cuts off */
    margin-left:-183px; /* clipping left side of page */
    margin-top:-244px;  /* clipping top of page */

    /* resize seems to inherit in at least Firefox */

<div style="position: absolute; overflow: hidden; left: 0px; top: 0px; border: solid 2px #555; width:594px; height:332px;">
<div style="overflow: hidden; margin-top: -100px; margin-left: -25px;">
<iframe src="http://example.com/" scrolling="no" style="height: 490px; border: 0px none; width: 619px; margin-top: -60px; margin-left: -24px; ">