Get name of caller function in PHP?

Solution 1:

See debug_backtrace - this can trace your call stack all the way to the top.

Here's how you'd get your caller:

$trace = debug_backtrace();
$caller = $trace[1];

echo "Called by {$caller['function']}";
if (isset($caller['class']))
    echo " in {$caller['class']}";

Solution 2:

Xdebug provides some nice functions.

  Class MyClass
    function __construct(){
    function callee() {
        echo sprintf("callee() called @ %s: %s from %s::%s",
  $rollDebug = new MyClass();

will return trace

callee() called @ /var/www/xd.php: 16 from MyClass::__construct

To install Xdebug on ubuntu the best way is

sudo aptitude install php5-xdebug

You might need to install php5-dev first

sudo aptitude install php5-dev

more info

Solution 3:

This is very late but I would like to share the function that will give name of the function from which current function is called.

public function getCallingFunctionName($completeTrace=false)
            $str = '';
            foreach($trace as $caller)
                $str .= " -- Called by {$caller['function']}";
                if (isset($caller['class']))
                    $str .= " From Class {$caller['class']}";
            $str = "Called by {$caller['function']}";
            if (isset($caller['class']))
                $str .= " From Class {$caller['class']}";
        return $str;

I hope this will be useful.