Warning: Attempt to present * on * which is already presenting (null)

Solution 1:

I have found out a solution.

I have add the following code in HomeViewController.viewDidLoad and that works !

definesPresentationContext = true

Solution 2:

In my case, I found my code to present the new viewController (a UIAlertController) was being called twice.

Check this before messing about with definesPresentationContext.

Solution 3:

In my case, I tried too early to show the new UIViewController before closing the previous one. The problem was solved through a call with a slight delay:

DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.3) {

Solution 4:

The problem for me is that I was presenting two modals and I have to dismiss both and then execute some code in the parent window ... and then I have this error... I solved it seting this code in the dismiss o the last modal presented:

self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: {

in other words instead of just dismiss two times .. in the completion block of the first dismiss call delegate that will execute the second dismiss.

Solution 5:

I got the same issue when i tried to present a VC which called inside the SideMenu(jonkykong).

first i tried inside the SideMenu and i called it from the delegate to the MainVC both had the same issue.

Solution: dismiss the SideMenu first and present the new VC after will works perfectly!.