How to make VSCode editor stop scrolling past bottom of a file?
The correct answer is seen here:
There is a configuration option provided in VSCode for the functionality you specified. To enable it, go to File -> Preferences -> user settings
On the right side of the editor in settings.json paste the below line at the bottom (before closing bracket), save and close.
"editor.scrollBeyondLastLine": false
This will prevent the editor from scrolling beyond the last line.
This is now exposed as a simple checkbox labeled "Editor: Scroll Beyond Last Line" in File/Apple -> Preferences.
If just for readability you would like some space at the bottom of the file - a configurable amount - try this setting as of v1.43:
in pixels
Editor> Padding: Bottom
Controls the amount of space between the bottom edge of the editor and the last line.
// but this isn't sticky in the sense that you can scroll right past the padding top and it is gone. It doesn't stay.