Cocoapods + Cannot load underlying module for 'x'

I am running XCode 7, Swift 2.0, iOS 9.

I want to install Alamofire in my project using Cocoapods. I have done the following:

gem install cocoapods

pod setup

pod init

Updated Podfile to:

# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'JSONeg' do

  pod 'Alamofire', :branch => 'swift-2'


Then I installed the pod:

pod install

And I added the following to ViewController.swift

import Alamofire

This raises the following error:

Cannot load underlying module for 'Alamofire'

I tested with another pod and it raised the same error, so I guess the problem is with the installation of Cocoapods. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Solution 1:

This seems to be a bug in XCode. I had the same problem, and as described in the comments of another answer to this question, building the project made the error go away.

Solution 2:

Go to Product > Build and it will resolve the problem: enter image description here

Solution 3:

This worked for me:

  1. Close your project
  2. In terminal go to your project directory
  3. Add this command: pod update
  4. After that all your pods will be updated. Just run your project

Solution 4:

Cannot load underlying module for 'x'for SWIFT :

How to fix the Issue:

step:1 Create a New project and build&run Successfully without installing pod.

step:2 After build&run the Project Successfully ,Now try to install pod and then try to importrealm,alamofire,charts etc it will work like a charm.

Failure Case --> New project -> Add (realm,alamofire,charts etc) via cocoapods w/o building first -> open Xcode workspace -> build&run

Success Case -->New project -> build&run -> add (realm,alamofire,charts etc)via cocoapods -> open Xcode workspace -> build&run again = success