Is there a folder-only based music player for Linux? [closed]

I have my music sorted using directories so I don't want a library, tags and what not.

What I want:

  1. easily (recursively) add directories to playlist from my music root, not from library
  2. songs in playlist grouped by directories they reside in
  3. directories in playlist must be collapsible and rearrangable, option to collapse all but currently played folder being a nice bonus
  4. buttons/shortcuts for next/prev directory are a must
  5. shuffle songs within their directories, shuffle directories within playlist

Promsing but not it:

  • MortePlayer on Android matches most but... it's for Android :)
  • Pogo has the playlist I want, but is missing essential features. Not to mention gaps between songs.
  • Amarok 2 is grouping by folders, but can't do anything else mentioned. Also, start without Qt/KDE libs in memory takes bloody ages.
  • I've been told to try xfmedia, but it's not in repos anymore and seems quite dead. Even more dead than LISP.

Nice but not what I want (to save your time, continually edited):

  • mocp
  • quodlibet
  • decibel
  • audacious
  • xmms
  • rhythmbox
  • vlc

Are you aware of such a music player? I'm afraid I'll have to write my own MPD client, which would cost enormous amounts of time.

I am a fan of xmms2 mainly because it has a console based interface. It has a few graphical ones as well but I prefer the console one so that I can use keyboard short cuts and a simple mouse menu in fvwm. It does all that you want. Some commands that do things similar to what the question wants:

nyxmms2 playlist create ook
nyxmms2 playlist switch ook
nyxmms2 add `find /path/to/dir/* -type file *.mp3`
nyxmms2 playlist shuffle 
nyxmms2 next
nyxmms2 prev
nyxmms2 jump 13
nyxmms2 help

Note that the find command may need to be modified to get the "right" result.

Have you tried Exaile or Clementine? They do allow you to play folders. I don't know, however, if you can add a contextual menu to your folders. I hope this helps.