How to use verbatim strings in sed?

You should escape the special characters and use a separator other than "/".

sed 's#string1#string2#'

See this SOq:


This answer on the above:


is something you need, except you'd do it in the first, not second part of s/first/second/.

As you are using both ' and " in your sed commands, you'll have to escape some of it. Try doing this - make two files:


s_"a\\c:ti]\\']x""/\\//:`~\$%#\^&"'_ _g


"a\c:ti]\']x""/\//:`~$%#^&"'hello world m"a\c:ti]\']x""/\//:`~$%#^&"'
"a\c:ti]\']x""/\//:`~$%#^&"'this is working"a\c:ti]\']x""/\//:`~$%#^&"'
"a\c:ti]\']x""/\//:`~$%#^&"'as expected"a\c:ti]\']x""/\//:`~$%#^&"'

1.sed is the script itself and 2.txt is a test file. Run it like this to test:

$ sed -f 1.sed 2.txt
 hello world m 
 this is working 
 as expected 


Hope this helps.