Which common blades should I hold on to?

While bonding with core crystals, I hit the limit for how many blades I can have at once. I need to start releasing Common Blades to make room, but I’m not sure what Blades I should release.

Are there any common blades I should hold on to? Which types of blades are ok to get rid of?

Solution 1:

In general, you can get rid of whatever you want. However, here are the guidelines I follow for if I should release a blade:

  • Do I have enough of this field skill to pass a check if they randomly come up? If so, release it. My general thought here is that if I have approximately 10 that I can muster across all of my party members, that's good enough.

  • Does it only have one field skill? If so, release it. I don't like single-use blades - more field skills means more utility in merc missions.

  • Is it a 4 star common? Max it, then release it (for an overdrive protocol).

I can safely say that at max merc level, I probably have a hundred blade slots free per driver.