How can I level magic abilities in the game?

Levelling up Magic and Skills require "awakening" through items, not XP.

The items you need to level up Magic abilities is called "Crysts". They come in varying sizes, and a certain number of each are required to level up your abilities.

These are called:

  • Alcryst
  • Milcryst
  • Heavicryst
  • Giancryst
  • Purecryst

These also have varying types, that apply to each "school" of magic. White, Black, Green, as well as varying types for other abilities such as Power, Guard, and Tech, as a few examples.

These items drop from the Chamber of Gems, so they can be farmed; all except from the Purecryst varuiants, which only drop from events, or by purchasing them from King Mog.

Not all abilities can be levelled up in this way, some are simply not applicable for this. However, this list shows all the abilities that can be awakened.