How do I get Safari to search all tabs from all Safari windows in the Tab Overview, instead of only those in the current window?

When I press the shiftcommand\ keyboard shortcut, it goes into 'expose' mode and allows to search thru only the tabs in the current window, not all windows.

It would be super handy to be able to search/display tabs from all windows.

Is there a way to do this?

This extension: does allow global search and is awesome. It would also be good if it included iCloud tabs.

I would love it more if it could be invoked from the keyboard or integrated into Spotlight but it's still incredible. The way it just brings that tab+window directly to the front is beautiful.

The shiftcommand\ keyboard shortcut is used to toggle the Tab Overview option in Safari. This can also be accessed via the View > Show Tab Overview option via the menubar, or from the Show/Exit Tab Overview icon in the Toolbar.

As you've found, this only displays a visual thumbnail of all tabs from the current window, and not all tabs from all Safari windows.

Unfortunately, there's no modifier key you can use to enhance this shortcut, but you may find an Extension that does what you want. Extensions don't necessarily work for all versions of Safari, so you may need to experiment a bit to see if one exists that can do what you want.

You can browse for Extensions in the Safari Extensions Gallery.

Finally, you may want to submit some feedback to Apple requesting this feature. For example, you could suggest that including the option key in the shortcut (i.e. pressing optionshiftcommand\) works to display all tabs from all windows.

You can submit Safari feedback here.

"Tabs Switcher" from the App Store works great for me:

Not a free solution, but there is an Alfred workflow that enables searching across all the tabs of all the windows in safari. I just tried it with Safari 13 (after RecentTabList stopped working).

To use it, you have to:

  1. Download Alfred
  2. Purchase the Alfred power pack, and then
  3. Download/import the Search Safari And Chrome Tabs workflow.

I then modified the workflow to use control-tab as a hot key.

It's not as fast as RecentTabList was but it's way faster than searching through 4-dozen open Safari windows and doing a "search open tabs" on each one to find one of your hundred+ open tabs.